Recruitment Policy
Effective and consistent recruitment practices are essential to ensure that all applicants are treated fairly and with equality of opportunity so that costly recruitment mistakes are avoided, and the company meets its aim with regard to acting ethically. The recruitment process must result in the selection of the most suitable person for the job in respect of skills, experience and qualifications. To this end, the Company will recruit candidates who are most suited to the position in question and comply with its Ethical Code of Conduct Policy at all times. The nationality of the most suitable candidate will have no bearing on whether or not he/she is selected for the post, subject to the requirement to meet the resident labor market test where applicable and eligibility for sponsorship where necessary. This Policy defines the principles that the Company considers important in the recruitment process and aims to ensure that consistency and good practice is applied across the Company.Equal Opportunities in Recruitment
It is against the Company’s Ethical Code of Conduct Policy to discriminate either directly or indirectly on the grounds of race, nationality, ethnic origin, gender, marital status, pregnancy, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, ethnicity, cultural or religious beliefs. Reasonable adjustments to the recruitment process will be made to ensure that no applicant is disadvantaged because of his/her disability. All employees are required to comply with the requirements of the Ethical Code of Conduct Policy at every stage of the recruitment process including production of job descriptions, advertising material, instructions given to recruitment agencies, shortlisting of applications, interviewing, selection decisions and offers of employment. All policies and procedures reflect our commitment to achieving and maintaining equal opportunities within the workplace. It is the responsibility of each employee to monitor continually and evaluate formal and informal practices and procedures that they follow to ensure that they do not directly or indirectly discriminate against any individual or group of society. The Company will treat all job applicants in the same way at each stage of the recruitment process, and no assumptions will be made on the basis of, for example, appearance or a foreign name. There will be no assumption that a foreign national or someone from an ethnic minority has no right to work in the UK. The Company may make decisions regarding job offers conditional on the provision of evidence of eligibility to work within the country where the job is located. Any employee who is found to be discriminating in any way during the recruitment process will be subject to the disciplinary procedure and may be liable to dismissal.Job Descriptions
The job description will describe the duties, responsibilities and seniority of the post and the person specification will describe the qualifications, knowledge, experience, skills and competencies needed for the role to be carried out effectively. Particular care must be taken when producing job descriptions to ensure that unreasonable requirements are not placed on the job holder which cannot be objectively justified and may unfairly disadvantage certain groups e.g. women, ethnic minorities, elderly or disabled persons.Shortlisting
In order to shortlist candidates for interviews, the Company will:- Identify specific job-related criteria using the job description and person specification;
- Match these criteria with those detailed in the candidate’s CV and application letter; and
- Where appropriate – pre-interview testing may be carried out; and
- Use this information to select which candidates will be invited for interview.
Candidates who apply for positions with the Company, whether through a direct advertisement or a recruitment agency, will always be informed of the outcome of their application as quickly as possible.